

今天在 #archlinux-cn @ irc.freenode.net 讨论 CMake 在多任务同步进行时会产生混乱的输出的问题,于是谈到下面这句话:
One day, a programmer met one problem. He said, 'I will solve it with threads.' Then has he problems two now.
接着,biergaizi 找到了“程序员遇到一个问题”系列的出处,大家或是引用,或是原创,写了很多。
One day, a programmer met a problem. He said, 'I will solve it with Java.' Then he has a ProblemFactory.

One day, a programmer met one problem. He said, 'I will solve it with regular experssions.' Then he has two problems now.

'I know, I’ll use Python.' Now they import solution and have a beer.

'I know, I’ll use LISP.' Now their problem is recursive.

One day, a programmer met a problem. He said, 'I will use pointers in C.' Now thSegment Fault (core dumped)

One day, a programmer met an encoding problem. He said, 'I will switch from UTF-8 to GBK.' 锟斤铐锟斤铐锟斤铐锟斤铐锟斤铐锟斤铐锟斤铐锟斤铐

