有一些 VCD 光碟在 Windows 下可以直接通过复制 /MPEGAV/AVSEQ*.DAT 来转录。而到了 Linux 下面会发现有时可以,有时不可以。
那么,既然 MPlayer 可以播放 VCD,Mencoder 就可以转录 VCD。
mencoder -o AVSEQ01.mpg -of mpeg -ovc copy -oac copy vcd://1
mencoder -o AVSEQ01.mpg -of mpeg -ovc copy -oac copy vcd://1
于 2013年10月29日 20:32, z******@sina.com (MD5: bfd8b2538b0aacaabebdd403a75feaff) 写道:> 你好!> ripple在github上做活动,每个在5月1日之前注册github账户并有代码的,都可以> 获得ripple。 活动时间可能马上就要结束,如果你拿ripple没有什么用,你可以> 免费按照以下步骤几秒钟获取,然后将将获取的代码回复邮件给我,我给你30元烟> 钱补偿。谢谢!也可以加qq1123969311详细询问。> 1:访问:https://giveaway.ripple.com/>> 2:登录github帐号> 3:> 1):在Ripple address中填入rEeUEELwP2qX42kegfY6itmBp4K5rmPELS 然后点击下> 面的按钮,生成code(会获得一大堆字符串)>> 2): 将生成后的code和你的支付宝帐号发送到 我这个邮箱地址。> 我看到了后,就会给你们福利或者折现30元,转账到你的支付宝或者给你们冲手机> 话费都可以的。
于 2013年11月7日 23:40, c***********@gmail.com (MD5: 0d80e06fe66b8d4ea1e246e6ae160a98) 写道:> 帐号要求2013年5月1日前注册,并发布过东西> 任务主要流程:登录github,关注那个开源代码,然后就能生成code了> 详细介绍文章:> http://hi.baidu.com/yhtmetxfblbfmuq/item/49a3ca5d61cb7fe6d48bac11> 如果以上地址访问不了,你还可以试试这个地址:> http://note.youdao.com/share/?id=ff7bb19251ffa5519cc9ed9e1e01a395&type=note
“F**k you NVIDIA!”—Linus Torvalds
./danmaku2ass -o foo.ass -s 1920x1080 -fn "MS PGothic" -fs 48 -a 0.8 -l 5 foo.xml
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set $botblocker_flag "0"; if ($http_user_agent ~* "bot|spider|crawl") { set $botblocker_flag "${botblocker_flag}1"; } if ($uri !~ "/robots.txt(\?.*)?") { set $botblocker_flag "${botblocker_flag}2"; } if ($botblocker_flag = "012") { return 403; } set $botblocker_flag ""; location = /noie.html { return 403; error_page 403 =403 @noie; } location @noie { root /var/www/error; index noie.html; } if ($http_user_agent ~* "MSIE| (360)?se |360spider|sou?gou|tencenttraveler") { rewrite .* /noie.html; }
location / { proxy_pass http://test_tornado; include proxy_params; } location ~ ^/api { proxy_pass http://test_tornado_backend; include proxy_params; }
import tornado import tornado.gen import tornado.options import tornado.httpclient import tornado.web class APIProxyHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): @tornado.gen.coroutine def get(self): yield self.post() @tornado.gen.coroutine def post(self): http_client = tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient() request_headers = self.request.headers.copy() request_headers.add('X-Forwarded-For', self.request.remote_ip) request_options = { 'url': '?'.join([tornado.options.options.backend]+self.request.uri.split('?', 1)[1:]), 'method': self.request.method, 'headers': request_headers, 'body': self.request.body, 'user_agent': self.request.headers.get('User-Agent', 'Tornado/%s' % tornado.version), 'connect_timeout': 60, 'request_timeout': 60, 'follow_redirects': False, 'use_gzip': True, 'allow_nonstandard_methods': True, 'allow_ipv6': True, } try: response = yield http_client.fetch(tornado.httpclient.HTTPRequest(**request_options)) except tornado.httpclient.HTTPError as e: response = e.response self.set_status(response.code, response.reason) existed_headers = set() for header_name, header_value in response.headers.get_all(): if header_name.lower() in ('content-encoding', 'content-length'): continue elif header_name in existed_headers: self.add_header(header_name, header_value) else: self.set_header(header_name, header_value) existed_headers.add(header_name) self.finish(response.body or None)
One day, a programmer met one problem. He said, 'I will solve it with threads.' Then has he problems two now.
One day, a programmer met a problem. He said, 'I will solve it with Java.' Then he has a ProblemFactory.One day, a programmer met one problem. He said, 'I will solve it with regular experssions.' Then he has two problems now.'I know, I’ll use Python.' Now they import solution and have a beer.'I know, I’ll use LISP.' Now their problem is recursive.One day, a programmer met a problem. He said, 'I will use pointers in C.' Now thSegment Fault (core dumped)One day, a programmer met an encoding problem. He said, 'I will switch from UTF-8 to GBK.' 锟斤铐锟斤铐锟斤铐锟斤铐锟斤铐锟斤铐锟斤铐锟斤铐
Client> 2013-10-02 23:28:11 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] [Server] Herobrine is near you... Client> 2013-10-02 23:28:18 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] <StarBrilliant> herobine... Client> 2013-10-02 23:28:40 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] <Icewater> what is it Client> 2013-10-02 23:28:57 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] <StarBrilliant> you don't know herobine? Client> 2013-10-02 23:29:08 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] <Icewater> No, I don't Client> 2013-10-02 23:29:28 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] 已设置床 Client> 2013-10-02 23:29:52 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] StarBrilliant 暂时离开了 Client> 2013-10-02 23:30:17 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] [Server] <Herobrine> You. Client> 2013-10-02 23:30:23 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] StarBrilliant 回来了 Client> 2013-10-02 23:30:23 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] <StarBrilliant> herobine... Client> 2013-10-02 23:31:06 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] [Server] <Herobrine> I'm watching. Client> 2013-10-02 23:32:08 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] [Server] <Herobrine> Eyes... Client> 2013-10-02 23:32:47 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] <StarBrilliant> ................. Client> 2013-10-02 23:33:11 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] <Icewater> kill Client> 2013-10-02 23:35:03 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] [Server] <Herobrine> You, miner, StarBrilliant. You should expect me. Client> 2013-10-02 23:35:11 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] <StarBrilliant> Herobine? Client> 2013-10-02 23:37:18 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] [Server] <Herobrine> God will strike you. Client> 2013-10-02 23:37:32 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] 你刚刚被雷击中了 Client> 2013-10-02 23:37:35 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] <StarBrilliant> oh! Client> 2013-10-02 23:37:48 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] <StarBrilliant> hi Herobine Client> 2013-10-02 23:38:56 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] [Server] <Herobrine> God will strike you. Client> 2013-10-02 23:38:58 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] 你刚刚被雷击中了 Client> 2013-10-02 23:39:09 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] 已设置床 Client> 2013-10-02 23:39:09 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] You can only sleep at night Client> 2013-10-02 23:39:47 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] [Server] <Herobrine> You can never escape... Client> 2013-10-02 23:39:59 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] 你刚刚被雷击中了 Client> 2013-10-02 23:40:10 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] <StarBrilliant> ... Client> 2013-10-02 23:40:18 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] <StarBrilliant> HIM! Client> 2013-10-02 23:40:23 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] <StarBrilliant> I saw HIM! Client> 2013-10-02 23:41:17 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] <dmql> wait Client> 2013-10-02 23:41:22 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] <StarBrilliant> I saw HIM! Client> 2013-10-02 23:41:25 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] <StarBrilliant> I saw Herobine! Client> 2013-10-02 23:41:55 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] [Server] <phoenixlzx> Herobrine please stop trolling my players. :-) Client> 2013-10-02 23:42:06 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] <StarBrilliant> lol Client> 2013-10-02 23:42:07 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] <Icewater> ................ Client> 2013-10-02 23:42:19 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] [Server] <Herobrine> Yes, Master.
function export for i in $argv set -l __export_var (echo -n $i | grep -o '^[^=]*') if test $__export_var = $i set -g -x $__export_var $$__export_var else set -g -x $__export_var (echo -n $i | sed -e 's/^[^=]*=//') end end end
cat ~/.bashrc | grep '^alias \|^export ' | .
ffmpeg -i "concat:input1.mpg|input2.mpg|input3.mpg" -c copy output.mpg
ffmpeg -i input1.flv -c copy -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -f mpegts input1.tsffmpeg -i input2.flv -c copy -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -f mpegts input2.tsffmpeg -i input3.flv -c copy -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -f mpegts input3.tsffmpeg -i "concat:input1.ts|input2.ts|input3.ts" -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -movflags +faststart output.mp4
file 'input1.mkv'file 'input2.mkv'file 'input3.mkv'
ffmpeg -f concat -i filelist.txt -c copy output.mkv
mencoder -forceidx -of lavf -oac copy -ovc copy -o output.flv input1.flv input2.flv input3.flv
ffmpeg -i input1.mp4 -i input2.webm -i input3.avi -filter_complex '[0:0] [0:1] [1:0] [1:1] [2:0] [2:1] concat=n=3:v=1:a=1 [v] [a]' -map '[v]' -map '[a]' <编码器选项> output.mkv
#!/usr/bin/env python import time import tornado.gen import tornado.httpserver import tornado.ioloop import tornado.options import tornado.web tornado.options.define('port', default=10489, help='run on the given port', type=int) class CountHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): @tornado.web.asynchronous @tornado.gen.coroutine def get(self): for i in range(1, 101): yield tornado.gen.Task( tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().add_timeout, time.time()+1 ) self.write(('%s\n') % i) self.flush() self.finish() class BombHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def get(self): self.set_header('Content-Encoding', 'gzip') self.set_header('Content-Type', 'text/html') self.set_header('Content-Length', '2147483647') with open('bomb.gz', 'rb') as f: self.write(f.read()) def main(): tornado.options.parse_command_line() application = tornado.web.Application([ ('/count', CountHandler), ('/bomb', BombHandler), ]) http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(application) http_server.listen(tornado.options.options.port) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
dd if=/dev/zero bs=4M count=1k | gzip -9 >bomb.gz
export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$HOME/.local/sbin:$PATH" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$HOME/.local/lib" export LD_RUN_PATH="$HOME/.local/lib" export PREFIX="$HOME/.local" export LDFLAGS="-L$HOME/.local/lib" export CFLAGS="-I$HOME/.local/include" export CPPFLAGS="-I$HOME/.local/include"
server { listen 80 default_server; listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on; root /var/www; index index.php index.html; autoindex on; autoindex_localtime on; try_files $uri $uri/ =404; location ~ ^/~([^/]+)(/.*)?\.php(/.*)?$ { alias /home/$1/public_html$2.php; fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock; fastcgi_index index.php; include fastcgi_params; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /home/$1/public_html$2.php; fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $3; } location ~ ^/~([^/]+)(/.*)?$ { alias /home/$1/public_html$2; } }
Note that there is a longstanding bug that alias and try_files don't work together.
server { listen 80 default_server; listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on; root /var/www; index index.php index.html; autoindex on; autoindex_localtime on; try_files $uri $uri/ =404; location ~ ^/~([^/]+)(/.*)?\.php(/.*)?$ { alias /home/$1/public_html$2.php; fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock; fastcgi_index index.php; include fastcgi_params; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /home/$1/public_html$2.php; fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $3; } location ~ ^/~([^/]+)(/.*)?$ { alias /home/$1/public_html$2; } }
Note that there is a longstanding bug that alias and try_files don't work together.
--- a/ffmpeg/PKGBUILD 2013-06-06 01:43:40.319846062 +0800 +++ b/ffmpeg/PKGBUILD 2013-05-26 21:35:51.118143876 +0800 @@ -57,7 +57,9 @@ --enable-shared \ --enable-vdpau \ --enable-version3 \ - --enable-x11grab + --enable-x11grab \ + --enable-nonfree \ + --enable-libfaac make
--- a/timidity/timidity.h 2012-06-01 11:40:44.000000000 +0800 +++ b/timidity/timidity.h 2013-06-06 01:48:14.186722904 +0800 @@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ /* you cannot but use safe_malloc(). */ #define HAVE_SAFE_MALLOC 1 /* malloc's limit */ -#define MAX_SAFE_MALLOC_SIZE (1<<23) /* 8M */ +#define MAX_SAFE_MALLOC_SIZE (1<<26) /* 64M */ #define DEFAULT_SOUNDFONT_ORDER 0
--- a/timidity++/PKGBUILD 2013-06-06 01:45:15.627480183 +0800 +++ b/timidity++/PKGBUILD 2013-06-06 01:56:25.255489134 +0800 @@ -14,13 +14,16 @@ 'xaw3d: for using the Xaw interface') backup=('etc/timidity++/timidity.cfg') source=(http://downloads.sourceforge.net/timidity/TiMidity++-${pkgver}.tar.xz \ + timidity++-maxalloc.diff timidity.cfg timidity.service) sha1sums=('15ec27f1ea3e718a8d61603521fc16df5c0dd24b' + 'SKIP' '660b3afbb720d26e8f008034cee66dd8da082d6e' 'f0351b9eb8928d3d82c380107654a7dbe7cd2d54') build() { cd "${srcdir}/TiMidity++-${pkgver}" + patch -p1 <"${srcdir}/timidity++-maxalloc.diff" sed -i -e 's/tcl8.5/tcl8.6 tcl8.5/' -e 's/tk8.5/tk8.6 tk8.5/' configure sed -i 's/my_interp->result/(char *) Tcl_GetObjResult(my_interp)/' interface/tk_c.c ./configure --prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/share/man --with-default-path=/etc/timidity++/ \
--- a/lib32-fontconfig/PKGBUILD 2013-06-05 06:07:34.000000000 +0800 +++ b/lib32-fontconfig/PKGBUILD 2013-06-05 22:44:01.613122245 +0800 @@ -54,7 +54,10 @@ make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install - rm -rf "${pkgdir}"/usr/{include,share,bin} "$pkgdir"/{etc,var} + rm -rf "${pkgdir}"/usr/{include,share} "$pkgdir"/{etc,var} + for i in "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/fc-*; do + mv "$i" "$i"32 + done mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses" ln -s $_pkgbasename "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname" }
[main] # Auto save settings when closing window. auto_save = 0 # The version of this profile's format. DO NOT EDIT IT! version = 0.9.9 # The default font name of vte terminal. font_name = Monospace 11 # The default column of vte terminal. column = 80 # The default row of vte terminal. row = 24 # Use true opacity in vte box. # 0: do NOT use rgba, 1: force to use rgba. # Left it blank will enable it automatically # if the window manager were composited. # Disable it will disable transparent_window, too. use_rgba = 1 # Start up with fullscreen. fullscreen = 0 # Transparent window. Only enabled when the window manager were composited. transparent_window = 0 # The opacity of transparent window. window_opacity = 0.150 # The opacity of transparent window when inactive. # Left it blank to disable this feature. window_opacity_inactive = 0.200 # Use transparent background. # It will use true transparent if the window manager were composited. transparent_background = 1 # The saturation of transparent background. background_saturation = 0.201 # Scroll the background image along with the text. scroll_background = 0 # Sets a background image. background_image = # Confirm to execute command with -e/-x/--execute option. confirm_to_execute_command = 1 # Don't need to confirm for executing a program if it's in the whitelist, # separate with <space>. execute_command_whitelist = # Launching executed command in a new tab instead of opening a new window. execute_command_in_new_tab = 1 # If a program is running on foreground, # Don't need to confirm for terminating it if it's in the whitelist, # separate with <space>. foreground_program_whitelist = bash dash csh ksh tcsh zsh screen # If a program is running in background, # Don't need to confirm for terminating it if it's in the whitelist, # separate with <space>. background_program_whitelist = bash dash csh ksh tcsh zsh su # Confirm before pasting texts to vte terminal. confirm_to_paste = 1 # If the program is running on foreground,, # Don't need to confirm for pasting texts to it if it's in the whitelist, # separate with <space>. paste_texts_whitelist = editor vi vim elvis nano emacs emacs23 nano joe ne mg ssh # Confirm to close multi tabs. confirm_to_close_multi_tabs = 0 # Shows [Transparent Background], [Background Saturation] # [Transparent Window] and [Window Opacity] on right click menu. show_background_menu = 1 # Shows [Change the foreground color] # and [Change the background color] on right click menu. show_color_selection_menu = 1 # The normal text color used in vte terminal. # You may use black, #000000 or #000000000000 here. foreground_color = #000000000000 # Sets the background color for text which is under the cursor. # You may use black, #000000 or #000000000000 here. cursor_color = #808080808080 # The background color used in vte terminal. # You may use black, #000000 or #000000000000 here. background_color = #ffffffffffff # Shows [Increase window size], [Decrease window size], # [Reset to default font/size] and [Reset to system font/size] # on right click menu. show_resize_menu = 1 # The ratio when resizing font via function key <Ctrl><+> and <Ctrl><->. # 0: the font size is +/- 1 when resizing. font_resize_ratio = 0.000 # The ratio when resizing window via right click menu. # 0: the font size is +/- 1 when resizing window. window_resize_ratio = 0.000 # When user double clicks on a text, which character will be selected. word_chars = -A-Za-z0-9_.+!@&=/~% # The lines of scrollback history. -1 means unlimited (vte >= 0.22.3). scrollback_lines = -1 # Shows scroll_bar or not. # 0: Never shows the scroll_bar; 1: Always shows the scroll_bar. # Left it blank: Hide when fullscreen, or scrollback_lines = 0. show_scroll_bar = # The position of scroll_bar. # 0: scroll_bar is on left; 1: scroll_bar is on right. scroll_bar_position = 1 # Shows input method menu on right click menu. show_input_method_menu = 0 # Shows change page name menu on right click menu. show_change_page_name_menu = 1 # Shows exit menu on right click menu. show_exit_menu = 1 # Enable hyperlink in vte terminal. enable_hyperlink = 1 # Sets whether or not the cursor will blink in vte terminal. # 0: Follow GTK+ settings for cursor blinking. # 1: Cursor blinks. # 2: Cursor does not blink. cursor_blinks = 0 # Shows copy/paste menu on right click menu. show_copy_paste_menu = 1 # Embed the copy/paste menu to the main menu. embedded_copy_paste_menu = 1 # Sets whether or not the terminal will beep # when the child outputs the "bl" sequence. audible_bell = 1 # Sets whether or not the terminal will flash # when the child outputs the "bl" sequence. visible_bell = 0 # Sets whether or not the window's urgent tag will be set # when the child outputs the "bl" sequence. urgent_bell = 1 # Which string the terminal should send to an application # when the user presses the Delete or Backspace keys. # 0: VTE_ERASE_AUTO # 1: VTE_ERASE_ASCII_BACKSPACE # 2: VTE_ERASE_ASCII_DELETE # 3: VTE_ERASE_DELETE_SEQUENCE # 4: VTE_ERASE_TTY erase_binding = 2 # Sets the shape of the cursor drawn. # 0: VTE_CURSOR_SHAPE_BLOCK # 1: VTE_CURSOR_SHAPE_IBEAM # 2: VTE_CURSOR_SHAPE_UNDERLINE cursor_shape = 0 # The default locale used when initing a vte terminal. # You may use "zh_TW", "zh_TW.Big5", or "zh_TW.UTF-8" here. default_locale = # The locales list on right click menu, separate with <space>. # You may use "ja_JP", "ja_JP.EUC-JP", or "ja_JP.UTF-8" here. # You may want to use "UTF-8" here if you have no locale data installed. # Left it blank will disable locale and encoding select menu items. locales_list = # Sets what type of terminal attempts to emulate. # It will also set the TERM environment. # Unless you are interested in this feature, always use "xterm". emulate_term = xterm # The environment 'VTE_CJK_WIDTH' used when initing a vte terminal. # 0: get via environment; 1: use narrow ideograph; 2: use wide ideograph. VTE_CJK_WIDTH = 1 # The geometry of window when starting. # A reasonable example value is "80x24+0+0", # witch means "WIDTH x HEIGHT {+-} XOFFSET {+-} YOFFSET", and NO SPACE in it. # Notice that it will overwrite the default column and row settings above. geometry = [page] # The max character width of page name. page_width = 16 # Show the tabs bar or not. # 0: Never shows the tabs ; 1: Always shows the tabs bar. # Left it blank: Hide when fullscreen, or tabs number = 1. show_tabs_bar = # The position of tabs bar. # 0: Top, 1: bottom. tabs_bar_position = 0 # The label of tabs will fill the tab bar. fill_tabs_bar = 0 # The page name used for a new page. page_name = Terminal # The page names list used for new pages, separate with <space>. page_names = Terminal # Reuse the page name in the page names list. reuse_page_names = 1 # Shows a (number no) on the page name. page_shows_number = 1 # Shows the foreground running command on the page name. page_shows_current_cmdline = 1 # Shows the terminal's idea of what the window's title should be. page_shows_window_title = 1 # Shows current directory on the page name. page_shows_current_dir = 1 # Check if the running command is root privileges. check_root_privileges = 1 # Shows current encoding on the page name. page_shows_encoding = 1 # Bold the text of current page name. bold_current_page_name = 1 # Bold the text of action page name. bold_action_page_name = 1 # Shows the page name of current page on window title. window_title_shows_current_page = 1 # Append a package name (- LilyTerm) to the window title. window_title_append_package_name = 1 # Shows a close button [X] on current tab. show_close_button_on_tab = 1 # Shows a close button [X] on all tabs. show_close_button_on_all_tabs = 0 # Use colorful text on page. use_color_page = 1 # The color used for showing Window Title on page name. # You may use black, #000000 or #000000000000 here. page_win_title_color = #9A6401 # The color used for showing Running Command on page name. # You may use black, #000000 or #000000000000 here. page_cmdline_color = #1C1CDC # The color used for showing Current Dir on page name. # You may use black, #000000 or #000000000000 here. page_dir_color = #215E3E # The color used for showing Custom Tab Name on page name. # You may use black, #000000 or #000000000000 here. page_custom_color = #9C0A81 # The color used for showing Root Privileges on page name. # You may use black, #000000 or #000000000000 here. page_root_color = #BE0020 # The color used for showing Normal Text on page name. # You may use black, #000000 or #000000000000 here. page_normal_color = #333333 [key] # Disable/Enable hyperlinks, function keys and right click menu. # Left it blank to disable this function key. disable_key_binding = # Add a new tab. # Left it blank to disable this function key. new_tab_key = Shift+Ctrl T # Close current tab. # Left it blank to disable this function key. close_tab_key = Shift+Ctrl W # Rename the page name of current tab. # Left it blank to disable this function key. edit_label_key = # Find the strings matching the search regex. # Left it blank to disable this function key. find_key = Shift+Ctrl F # Find the previous string matching the search regex. # Left it blank to disable this function key. find_key_prev = Shift+Ctrl G # Find the next string matching the search regex. # Left it blank to disable this function key. find_key_next = Shift+Ctrl H # Switch to prev tab. # Left it blank to disable this function key. prev_tab_key = Ctrl Page_Up # Switch to next tab. # Left it blank to disable this function key. next_tab_key = Ctrl Page_Down # Switch to first tab. # Left it blank to disable this function key. first_tab_key = # Switch to last tab. # Left it blank to disable this function key. last_tab_key = # Move current page forward. # Left it blank to disable this function key. move_tab_forward = Shift+Ctrl Page_Up # Move current page backward. # Left it blank to disable this function key. move_tab_backward = Shift+Ctrl Page_Down # Move current page to first. # Left it blank to disable this function key. move_tab_first = # Move current page to last. # Left it blank to disable this function key. move_tab_last = # Switch to #1 tab directly. # Left it blank to disable this function key. switch_to_tab_1 = Alt 1 # Switch to #2 tab directly. # Left it blank to disable this function key. switch_to_tab_2 = Alt 2 # Switch to #3 tab directly. # Left it blank to disable this function key. switch_to_tab_3 = Alt 3 # Switch to #4 tab directly. # Left it blank to disable this function key. switch_to_tab_4 = Alt 4 # Switch to #5 tab directly. # Left it blank to disable this function key. switch_to_tab_5 = Alt 5 # Switch to #6 tab directly. # Left it blank to disable this function key. switch_to_tab_6 = Alt 6 # Switch to #7 tab directly. # Left it blank to disable this function key. switch_to_tab_7 = Alt 7 # Switch to #8 tab directly. # Left it blank to disable this function key. switch_to_tab_8 = Alt 8 # Switch to #9 tab directly. # Left it blank to disable this function key. switch_to_tab_9 = Alt 9 # Switch to #10 tab directly. # Left it blank to disable this function key. switch_to_tab_10 = Alt 0 # Switch to #11 tab directly. # Left it blank to disable this function key. switch_to_tab_11 = # Switch to #12 tab directly. # Left it blank to disable this function key. switch_to_tab_12 = # Open a new window with current dir. # Left it blank to disable this function key. new_window = Shift+Ctrl N # Select all the text in the Vte Terminal box. # Left it blank to disable this function key. select_all = # Copy the text to clipboard. # Left it blank to disable this function key. copy_clipboard = Shift+Ctrl C # Paste the text in clipboard. # Left it blank to disable this function key. paste_clipboard = Shift+Ctrl V # Paste the text in the primary clipboard. # Left it blank to disable this function key. paste_clipboard in primary = Shift Insert # Increase the font size of current tab. # Left it blank to disable this function key. increase_font_size = Shift+Ctrl plus # Decrease the font size of current tab. # Left it blank to disable this function key. decrease_font_size = Ctrl minus # Reset the font of current tab to original size. # Left it blank to disable this function key. reset_font_size = Ctrl 0 # Try to maximum the window to use all available space on your display. # Left it blank to disable this function key. max_window = F11 # Asks to place window in the fullscreen/unfullscreen state. # Left it blank to disable this function key. full_screen = Alt Return # Emulate a mouse scroll up event on Vte Terminal box. # Left it blank to disable this function key. scroll_up = Shift Page_Up # Emulate a mouse scroll down event on Vte Terminal box. # Left it blank to disable this function key. scroll_down = Shift Page_Down # Asks to scroll up 1 line on Vte Terminal box. # Left it blank to disable this function key. scroll_up_1_line = Shift Up # Asks to scroll down 1 line on Vte Terminal box. # Left it blank to disable this function key. scroll_down_1_line = Shift Down [color] # The main ansi color theme used in vte. # Possible values are linux, xterm, rxvt, and tango. # or left it blank to use the default settings form libvte. theme = tango # Invert the ansi colors, like invert the darkred to red, darkblue to bule. invert_color = 0 # The brightness for ansi colors used in terminal. brightness = 0.200 # The brightness for ansi colors used in terminal when inactive. # Left it blank to disable this feature. inactive_brightness = 0.200 # The ANSI color code for Normal Black # You may use black, #000000 or #000000000000 here. Color0 = # The ANSI color code for Normal Red # You may use black, #000000 or #000000000000 here. Color1 = # The ANSI color code for Normal Green # You may use black, #000000 or #000000000000 here. Color2 = # The ANSI color code for Normal Yellow # You may use black, #000000 or #000000000000 here. Color3 = # The ANSI color code for Normal Blue # You may use black, #000000 or #000000000000 here. Color4 = # The ANSI color code for Normal Magenta # You may use black, #000000 or #000000000000 here. Color5 = # The ANSI color code for Normal Cyan # You may use black, #000000 or #000000000000 here. Color6 = # The ANSI color code for Normal White # You may use black, #000000 or #000000000000 here. Color7 = # The ANSI color code for Bright Black # You may use black, #000000 or #000000000000 here. Color8 = # The ANSI color code for Bright Red # You may use black, #000000 or #000000000000 here. Color9 = # The ANSI color code for Bright Green # You may use black, #000000 or #000000000000 here. Color10 = # The ANSI color code for Bright Yellow # You may use black, #000000 or #000000000000 here. Color11 = # The ANSI color code for Bright Blue # You may use black, #000000 or #000000000000 here. Color12 = # The ANSI color code for Bright Magenta # You may use black, #000000 or #000000000000 here. Color13 = # The ANSI color code for Bright Cyan # You may use black, #000000 or #000000000000 here. Color14 = # The ANSI color code for Bright White # You may use black, #000000 or #000000000000 here. Color15 = [command] # The parameters of the APPLICATION should be separated with <tab>, if any. # # method = {0,1,2} # 0: Open the hyperlink in new tab. # Use it if the command were using CLI, like w3m. # 1: Open the hyperlink with gdk_spawn_on_screen_with_pipes(). # Use it if the command were using GUI, like firefox. # 2: Open the hyperlink in new window, # Use it if you not sure. # # VTE_CJK_WIDTH = {0,1,2} # 0: get via environment # 1: use narrow ideograph # 2: use wide ideograph. # # The ENVIRONS will apply to the application, separated with <tab>, too. # # The LOCALE will apply to the application as locale environs. # You may use "zh_TW", "zh_TW.Big5", or "zh_TW.UTF-8" here. # Left it blank to use the locale environs from current page. # The web browser using for http(s):// web_browser = xdg-open web_method = 1 web_VTE_CJK_WIDTH = 0 web_environ = web_locale = # The ftp client using for ftp(s):// ftp_client = xdg-open ftp_method = 1 ftp_VTE_CJK_WIDTH = 0 ftp_environ = ftp_locale = # The file manager using for file:// and [Open current directory with file manager] file_manager = xdg-open file_method = 1 file_VTE_CJK_WIDTH = 0 file_environ = file_locale = # The email client using for user@host email_client = xdg-open email_method = 1 email_VTE_CJK_WIDTH = 0 email_environ = email_locale =
# 不要乱转义中文--restrict-file-names=nocontrol# 使用重定向后的文件名--trust-server-names=on--content-disposition=on
openssh GuizmOVPN
openssh com.guizmo.openvpn
openssh openvpn usbmuxd 你可能还想要 libimobiledevice ifuse
local 1194proto tcpdev tunca ca.crtcert server.crtkey server.keydh dh1024.pemserver "dhcp-option DNS"push "dhcp-option DNS"client-to-clientduplicate-cnkeepalive 10 120verb 3
clientdev tunproto tcpremote localhost 1194nobindpersist-keypersist-tunca ca.crtcert client.crtkey client.keyns-cert-type serververb 3up ./guizmovpn_updown.shdown ./guizmovpn_updown.sh
#!/bin/bash ####################### # GuizmOVPN_updown.sh # # Version 1.0.6 # ####################### function CopyKey { if [ "`KeyExists $1`" == "NO" ] ; then return fi source=$1; dest=$2; error="0"; echo "d.init" >/tmp/tmpscutil for param in `echo "show $1" | /usr/sbin/scutil | grep -v "<dictionary>" | tr -d '\n' | tr '}' '\n' | awk '{ print $1 }'` ; do value=`echo "show $1" | /usr/sbin/scutil| grep -v "<dictionary>" | tr -d '\n' | tr '}' '\n' | grep $param` if $( echo $value | grep --quiet '<array>' ) ; then unset array_val for arraynum in 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; do val=`echo $value | cut -d '{' -f 2 | cut -d ':' -f $arraynum | cut -d ' ' -f 2` if [ "$val" != "" ] ; then array_val[$(($arraynum-1))]=$val; fi done if [ ${#array_val[@]} ]; then echo "d.add $param * ${array_val[*]}" >>/tmp/tmpscutil else error="1" fi else val=`echo "$value" | awk '{ print $3 }'` if [ "`echo "$val" | tr -d ' '`" == "" ] ; then error="1"; else echo "d.add $param $val" >>/tmp/tmpscutil fi fi done echo "set $dest" >>/tmp/tmpscutil if [ "$error"=="0" ] ; then cat /tmp/tmpscutil | /usr/sbin/scutil else echo "Error reading key $1" fi } function GetActualDNS { OLDDNS=`echo "show State:/Network/Service/$1/DNS" | /usr/sbin/scutil | grep -A 1 "ServerAddresses : " | grep "0 : " | awk '{print $3}' | tr -d " "` echo $OLDDNS } function KeyExists { if [ "`echo "show $1" | /usr/sbin/scutil | tr -d " "`" == "Nosuchkey" ] ; then echo "NO" ; else echo "YES" ; fi } PSID=$( (/usr/sbin/scutil | grep PrimaryService | sed -e 's/.*PrimaryService : //')<< EOF open get State:/Network/Global/IPv4 d.show quit EOF ) case "$script_type" in up) # Stop the APSd #/bin/launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.apsd.plist # Remove informations about a previous connection echo "remove State:/Network/Service/OpenVPN/DNS" | /usr/sbin/scutil >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "remove State:/Network/Service/OpenVPN/IPv4" | /usr/sbin/scutil >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "remove State:/Network/Service/OpenVPN/PPP" | /usr/sbin/scutil >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "remove State:/Network/Service/OpenVPN/PSID" | /usr/sbin/scutil >/dev/null 2>&1 # Check if we need to handle DNSPush unset dns unset domain if [ "$DNSPush" == "Y" ] ; then # Store the PSID that we modify, in order to restore the correct one on disconnection if [ "$PSID" != "" ] ; then echo "d.init" >/tmp/tmpscutil echo "d.add PSID $PSID" >>/tmp/tmpscutil echo "set State:/Network/Service/OpenVPN/PSID" >>/tmp/tmpscutil cat /tmp/tmpscutil | /usr/sbin/scutil fi # Save the DNS settings # If it has already been set, don't save it again if [ "`KeyExists State:/Network/Global/DNSold`" == "NO" ] ; then CopyKey Setup:/Network/Service/$PSID/DNS Setup:/Network/Service/$PSID/DNSold ; CopyKey State:/Network/Service/$PSID/DNS State:/Network/Service/$PSID/DNSold ; CopyKey State:/Network/Global/DNS State:/Network/Global/DNSold ; fi n=1; i=0; j=0; while o=foreign_option_${n}; o=${!o}; [ "$o" ] do case $o in 'dhcp-option DNS '*) dns[i++]=${o/dhcp-option DNS /};; 'dhcp-option DOMAIN '*) domain[j++]=${o/dhcp-option DOMAIN /} ;; esac; let n++ done # Check if we need to try to keep local DNS if [ "$DNSKeep" == "Y" ] ; then # If DNS push has been set, add the actual DNS in the list, in case the DNS pushed don't respond if [ $i != 0 ] && [ $i -le 3 ] ; then dns[i]=`GetActualDNS $PSID`; # Check if the DNS is different from the gateway IP. # If it's the case, add a route to it if [ "$traffic_is_redirected" == "1" ] && [ "$dns[i]" != "" ] && [ "$route_net_gateway" != "${dns[i]}" ] && [ "$route_net_gateway" != "" ] ; then echo "Add a route to ${dns[i]} with gateway $route_net_gateway" ; /sbin/route add -net ${dns[i]} $route_net_gateway; fi fi fi if [ "${dns[0]}" != "" ] ; then echo "Setting DNS to /Network/Service/$PSID/DNS (${dns[*]})" echo "d.init" >/tmp/tmpscutil echo "d.add ServerAddresses * ${dns[*]}" >>/tmp/tmpscutil if [ "${domain[0]}" != "" ] ; then echo "Setting domain to /Network/Service/$PSID/DNS (${domain[*]})" echo "d.add SupplementalMatchDomains * ${domain[*]}" >>/tmp/tmpscutil fi echo "set State:/Network/Service/$PSID/DNS" >>/tmp/tmpscutil cat /tmp/tmpscutil | /usr/sbin/scutil # For a strange reason, some devices don't use the "State" but the "Setup", so we copy the key. if [ "`KeyExists Setup:/Network/Service/$PSID/DNS`" == "YES" ] ; then CopyKey State:/Network/Service/$PSID/DNS Setup:/Network/Service/$PSID/DNS fi CopyKey State:/Network/Service/$PSID/DNS State:/Network/Service/OpenVPN/DNS CopyKey State:/Network/Service/$PSID/DNS State:/Network/Global/DNS fi fi # Add informations about the connection # IPv4 echo "d.init" >/tmp/tmpscutil echo "d.add DestAddresses * $trusted_ip" >>/tmp/tmpscutil echo "d.add ServerAddress $trusted_ip" >>/tmp/tmpscutil echo "d.add InterfaceName ppp0" >>/tmp/tmpscutil echo "d.add Addresses * $ifconfig_local" >>/tmp/tmpscutil echo "d.add SubnetMasks *" >>/tmp/tmpscutil echo "d.add NetworkSignature VPN.RemoteAddress=$trusted_ip" >>/tmp/tmpscutil echo "set Setup:/Network/Service/OpenVPN/IPv4" >>/tmp/tmpscutil echo "set State:/Network/Service/OpenVPN/IPv4" >>/tmp/tmpscutil # PPP echo "d.init" >>/tmp/tmpscutil echo "d.add Status 8" >>/tmp/tmpscutil echo "d.add InterfaceName ppp0" >>/tmp/tmpscutil echo "set Setup:/Network/Service/OpenVPN/PPP" >>/tmp/tmpscutil echo "set State:/Network/Service/OpenVPN/PPP" >>/tmp/tmpscutil # Interface echo "d.init" >>/tmp/tmpscutil echo "d.add Type PPP" >>/tmp/tmpscutil echo "d.add SubType OpenVPN" >>/tmp/tmpscutil echo "set Setup:/Network/Service/OpenVPN/Interface" >>/tmp/tmpscutil cat /tmp/tmpscutil | /usr/sbin/scutil # Add infos about connection to be displayed in GUI /Applications/GuizmOVPN.app/tools writeprefs InfosIPAddress "$ifconfig_local" if [ "$ifconfig_netmask" == "" ] ; then /Applications/GuizmOVPN.app/tools writeprefs InfosSubnetMask "" /Applications/GuizmOVPN.app/tools writeprefs InfosGateway "$ifconfig_remote" else /Applications/GuizmOVPN.app/tools writeprefs InfosSubnetMask "$ifconfig_netmask" /Applications/GuizmOVPN.app/tools writeprefs InfosGateway "$InfosGateway" fi /Applications/GuizmOVPN.app/tools writeprefs InfosTrafficRedirected "$traffic_is_redirected" # Start the APSd #/bin/launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.apsd.plist ;; down) # Remove the connection infos /Applications/GuizmOVPN.app/tools writeprefs InfosIPAddress "" /Applications/GuizmOVPN.app/tools writeprefs InfosSubnetMask "" /Applications/GuizmOVPN.app/tools writeprefs InfosGateway "" /Applications/GuizmOVPN.app/tools writeprefs InfosTrafficRedirected "" # Check if we have a stored PSID. If not, take the actual one OLD_PSID=`echo "show State:/Network/Service/OpenVPN/PSID" | /usr/sbin/scutil | grep PSID | awk '{print $3}'` if [ "$OLD_PSID" == "" ] ; then OLD_PSID=$PSID fi # If we have saved DNS, restore them if [ "$OLD_PSID" != "" ] && [ "`KeyExists State:/Network/Global/DNSold`" == "YES" ] ; then echo "Restoring DNS to $OLD_PSID"; CopyKey Setup:/Network/Service/$OLD_PSID/DNSold Setup:/Network/Service/$OLD_PSID/DNS ; CopyKey State:/Network/Service/$OLD_PSID/DNSold State:/Network/Service/$OLD_PSID/DNS ; CopyKey State:/Network/Global/DNSold State:/Network/Global/DNS ; echo "remove Setup:/Network/Service/$OLD_PSID/DNSold" | /usr/sbin/scutil >/dev/null 2>&1 ; echo "remove State:/Network/Service/$OLD_PSID/DNSold" | /usr/sbin/scutil >/dev/null 2>&1 ; echo "remove State:/Network/Global/DNSold" | /usr/sbin/scutil >/dev/null 2>&1 ; fi # Check if we need to remove the route we added for the DNS if [ "$traffic_is_redirected" == "1" ] && [ "$route_net_gateway" != "`GetActualDNS $OLD_PSID`" ] && [ "$route_net_gateway" != "" ] && [ "`GetActualDNS $OLD_PSID`" != "" ] ; then echo "Removing route to `GetActualDNS $OLD_PSID` with gateway $route_net_gateway" /sbin/route delete -net `GetActualDNS $OLD_PSID` $route_net_gateway fi # Remove informations about the connection echo "remove State:/Network/Service/OpenVPN/DNS" | /usr/sbin/scutil >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "remove State:/Network/Service/OpenVPN/IPv4" | /usr/sbin/scutil >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "remove State:/Network/Service/OpenVPN/PPP" | /usr/sbin/scutil >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "remove State:/Network/Service/OpenVPN/PSID" | /usr/sbin/scutil >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "remove Setup:/Network/Service/OpenVPN/IPv4" | /usr/sbin/scutil >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "remove Setup:/Network/Service/OpenVPN/PPP" | /usr/sbin/scutil >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "remove Setup:/Network/Service/OpenVPN/Interface" | /usr/sbin/scutil >/dev/null 2>&1 ;; *) echo "$0: invalid script_type $script_type" && exit 1 ;; esac #####
#!/bin/shsudo -vsudo usbmuxdiproxy 2222 22 &sudo -n openvpn --config server.ovpn &sleep 1exec ssh root@localhost -p 2222 -R 1194:localhost:1194 /var/root/iptether/ovpncon.sh
#!/bin/sh(cd /var/root/iptether; /Applications/GuizmOVPN.app/openvpn --config client.ovpn --script-security 2) &
#!/bin/sh/usr/sbin/scutil << EOFopend.initd.add ServerAddresses * State:/Network/Service/OpenVPN/DNSquitEOF
echo 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE